Full Time Mummy Vs Going Back To Work!

So guys it’s been 5 weeks 2 days of me being a mummy (yes I am that saddo that counts everyday of motherhood!)

I remember when I was pregnant I didn’t want to stop working, 36 weeks pregnant and I was still running around putting on events, I think I worked on the biggest event of my career while carrying my big load (and wearing my heels!). It was just so rewarding and I loved being an active Mummy! I felt and looked good (if I may say so myself).

Since giving birth all that I can think about is being a Mummy. The sleepless nights, the sick all over your clothes, changing nappies and playtime, it’s all such a beautiful thing and I love every single second, I wouldn’t change it for anything. Even while writing the blog post I’m breastfeeding (the art of multitasking!)

Yes I’ve had my reservations about going back to work, but being an entrepreneur means no work, no income. Now with rent to pay and a baby to look after – that really wouldn’t be a good idea would it? But am I going back to work for the money? Or am I going back because I miss it?

My passion for certain avenues in my career have totally changed, I question my career path these days, do I still want to be a talent Manager? Do I want to focus more on project Management? Do I want to get a normal job and work a 9-5? Only time will tell which career path I decide to focus on and whether it’s the right choice, but what I do know is that I DO NOT want to get a normal job! I want to be able to be with my son as much as possible, see him grow, be there when he says his first word, smiles for the first time, rolls over – all the milestones are endless!

I’ve managed to be an entrepreneur for the last 3 and a half years so what’s stopping me now? Being a Mummy makes me want to work even harder to make sure I can provide for our family and make sure our son gets everything he wants, I never want to lack! So what am I doing from here you may ask?

Well I’ve decided I’m going to go back to work this month! I want to focus More on the project Management side and it seems that is where my passion and skills lie. I have the best team, and working in this industry means I can work mostly from home while also working on set a few times a month, and getting paid! This means I only have to leave little man with my mum on the days I’m shooting. It’s also a bonus because I get to work with my life partner as we are in this team TOGETHER!

Who would have known I would be questioning my career path of talent management after so many years? But becoming a Mummy made me understand that I have more responsibilities now, I need to do what’s best for me, what’s best for US!

It’s okay to want to start a new career, it’s also okay to just want to be a full time Mummy too. The most important thing is that you are happy with whatever decision you make and that it is beneficial for you and your family!

I wake every morning excited to spend a new day with my baby boy – why would I want to miss out on any of these beautiful moments?

With February amongst us now, a new month, and a new start, I’m ready to go back to work and I’m also ready to get back into the gym and be the best version of me!

More posts coming with my update of going back to work as a Mummy and getting back into my fitness regime, so make sure you follow my blog to stay up to date with everything.

Thank you for supporting me this far! Much love guys x