Social Media Is All A Facade

I said what I said, and I mean what I mean!

Let me explain…. Do you ever scroll on Instagram and watch people post their lives, and sometimes ponder saying to yourself “I wish I had that”, or “I wish I was on catching flights like them”. It is not even a place of jealousy, more times it is so harmless, but it DOES make you question your life.

I love my life, I am so grateful for my family, my friends, EVERYTHING, but I do find that sometimes I wish I had more, or I wish I was in a different position. Then I have to remind myself, more times on social media people will only show you the good parts of their lives. Do you think people will show you their struggle? We do not know what our social media friends are REALLY going through, they most probably only show us the good times, so what are we really wanting from their lives?

I’m going through a real weird place in my life right now, I feel like I’ve done everything so backwards, I’m constantly playing catch up, and I’m always feeling like I’ve been left behind because I took a route in life that was not conventional. I look at all you 20 something year olds with mortgages, businesses and so forth and I keep asking myself “What do I need to do to get there? When will it be my time?” Again, social media makes me feel like I am behind and I have not succeeded in life. But what is success? Success to one person may not be success to another.

The stigma of the BIG 3-0 will always make you feel inadequate, because society (and social media) will make you feel like you have not made it if you have not completed your to-do list before you hit that scary number!

I’m learning now to really live in the moment, enjoy the place I am in, and be grateful for all I have now. Still writing down those goals, and trying my hardest to reach them. But I am also making sure that IF I do not reach those goals, I am not too hard on myself. The most important thing is that I am alive and well, and living to tell my testimony.

Be still and present. Live in the moment!